25 Lies Brides Tell Themselves While Wedding Planning

25 Lies Brides Tell Themselves While Wedding Planning
Planning a wedding is stressful, and sometimes brides bend the truth to feel better--no harm in that! But I think it's important to clear a few things up.

25 Lies Brides Tell Themselves While Wedding Planning


Amazing Photos by Rebekah Hoyt Photography

1. I can easily plan a wedding for less than $5,000.

I tip my hat to those brides who manage to keep their budget below 10k—it’s hard! Think about the attire, venue, décor, food, alcohol, photos…the list goes on and on. I’m not saying it can’t be done, but I am warning you that sacrifices will have to be made. The trick is to prioritize! What are the 3 things you must-have? For me, it’s a stunning dress, great food, and incredible photos. You’ll have to give a few things up, but as long as you get to marry that man of yours, it’ll be worth it.

2. I probably won’t need alterations.

Lots of women believe their gown may only need a small stitch here and there. The fact is, you don’t understand how gorgeous a gown can look and feel when you get proper alterations. Seamstresses are geniuses, really. If you find a trusted vendor, they can make a dress look like it was designed specifically for you. So whatever your budget is, you should always include $100-300 for alterations.

3. I totally trust my ‘maids to choose their dress colors.

Lot of bridesmaids are allowed to choose their own dresses these days, but a bit of guidance is always a good idea. Choose one designer and let them pick the style they love. If you want to give them more freedom, send them paint swatches to use as a matching tool. Just make sure they buy returnable attire, and that you get final approval. Shop Bridesmaids Button

4. I have plenty of time to DIY.

Many brides believe DIY will be easier on their budget and schedule. While it can help you save on décor or stationary, a lot of DIY projects are time-consuming. Pinterest makes them look so easy…but I recommend doing a test run on any project before you commit. Choose a few you can manage, and start there.

5. Flowers aren’t that expensive.

Cost depends on what’s in season. You can’t expect tulips to be cheap in the middle of winter! Research which buds are in season before you start planning bouquets and arrangements. Your budget will thank you for it. Bride-and-Groom-Exchanging-Look

6. It’s my wedding, I don’t care what people think.

I wish this were true for everyone! However, it’s nearly impossible to ignore opinions while you plan, especially when they’re coming from your mom, friends, or worse—the in-laws. Try to stay focused on what you and your fiancé have dreamed up, and politely accept suggestions, even when they’re unwanted.

7. I’ll for sure lose weight before the big day.

A lot of brides have weight-loss goals, but you should never rely on them. Remember that you’ll be busy, stressed, and slightly emotional during the planning period. It’s important to stay active and eat healthy, but try to stay away from intense dieting, especially those you’ve never tried before. Most importantly, do not buy a bridal gown that’s too small for you. Taking a dress in is a lot easier than letting one out. Shop Bridal Gowns Blog Button

8. I’d never consider Spanx.

There is no shame in wearing shapewear on the big day! Even if you’re a size 2, shapewear can do a lot for your figure and posture. Even the celebrities, whose bodies we idealize, wear Spanx.

9. I’ll be comfortable in 5” heels.

You may be the real life Carrie Bradshaw, but wearing super high heels on your wedding day is bold. You’ll be on your feet all day taking photos, mingling, and dancing. Make sure your precious feet are taken care of! Bride-Laughing-Hard

10. I don’t need to practice my hair and makeup.

Whether you’re getting your hair and makeup done or you’re doing it yourself, you absolutely need to do a trial run or two (or three, or four…). Your stylist will probably require it. Make sure that busy morning is as relaxing as possible by being prepared.

11. Cutting my guest list will be easy.

It’s never easy. You may be able to remove a few plus one’s or college friends, but big cuts are a challenge. The guest list is often bombarded by requests from parents and friends, and you’ll probably feel obligated to say yes. Don’t be afraid to say no when you need to. When in doubt, use your budget as an excuse. This is your day, and you should only have to invite those you wish to share it with.

12. My bridesmaids don’t need plus ones.

They may not need them, but they’ll certainly appreciate them! After all the hard work they’ve put in, the shoulders they’ve let you cry on, the cramped hands they suffered after hours of addressing envelopes, your ladies deserve a date!

13. Everyone will RSVP.

Probably not. When your RSVP-by date has passed, give your guests a friendly reminder via email or over the phone.

14. My guests won’t mind if my wedding is kid-free.

It’s ultimately your choice, but be sure to give parents plenty of notice. If they have to leave the kids at home for a night, they need time to prepare. Surprised-Bride

15. Everyone loves chicken.

Chicken is traditional and, yes, a lot of people love it. But why not serve something unique for dinner? A menu compiled of your favorite dishes? Mac and cheese, fried chicken, even BBQ! Wedding season will consist of a lot of fish and chicken—make your meal stand out.

16. My groom is different—he’ll love helping me plan!

Maybe he will, who knows? I just don’t want you to get your hopes too high. The trick is to involve him in tasks he’ll probably enjoy. Tastings, choosing the DJ, creating your signature cocktail, etc.

17. My groom can’t wait to write his own vows.

Once again, what do I know? Maybe your man has a way with words and loves writing. Either way, give him plenty of time to get them finished. Maybe send him examples you find online or let him know how long yours will be. He’ll appreciate any help he can get.

18. Everyone loves doing the YMCA.

I’m an advocate for do-not-playlists. There are certain tunes that are way overplayed (YMCA, Chicken Dance, Electric Slide, etc.) and require choreographed steps. Trust me, most of your guests won’t want to participate. Keep the fun songs rolling, but avoid the ones that will clear your dance floor.

19. No one will know I used Pinterest.

DIY is all the rage, and almost everyone out there has an “I do” board on Pinterest. There may be 1,000’s of ideas to choose from, but most people can spot a Pinterest project. Don’t be offended by it! You should be proud of your craftiness, and thrilled that someone noticed. SHHH-bride

20. I don’t need to plan for rain.

Please, please do! Mother Nature doesn’t always provide blue skies on big days. If you’re having an outdoor affair, have a backup plan.

21. I’ll only have one drink.

Most blogs recommend one glass of champagne on your big day. I know that’s a hard rule to follow, and most brides need a bit more to calm their nerves. A mimosa in the morning and a couple glasses of champagne are OK. Just remember to keep food in your stomach, and to say no when you’ve had enough.

22. My family won’t embarrass me.

Yes, they will. Speeches, dancing, mingling…there are so many opportunities! Remind yourself how much you love them, brush it off, and think of it as a funny anecdote for later.

23. I’d never become a bridezilla.

There’s a chance, ladies. If something goes wrong at just the right moment, you may snap. It happens to the best of us! As long as you recognize your bridezilla moments and sincerely apologize for them, the title won’t stick.

24. I won’t be nervous.

Of course you'll be a bit nervous, and you should be! I always like to say that being nervous is a good thing because it shows you haven’t stopped caring. This is going to be one of the biggest days of your life (and the greatest), so nerves are welcome. Just breathe, think about your soon-to-be hubby, and have a mimosa. Bride-and-Groom-Just-Married

25. My wedding will be perfect.

I certainly hope so! But remember that perfection isn’t defined by your flowers, bridal gown, or DIY details. A perfect wedding is one where two people madly in love decide to make a promise, and at the end of the night they leave as one! This was all in fun! Planning a wedding is stressful, and every bride needs a good laugh. Do you have more “lies” to share? Join the conversation in a comment below! You may also enjoy... bad stereotypes about brides 28-Wedding-Surprises-&-How-to-Prepare Brides-and-Body-Shaming

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May 16, 2019 07:54

Hi Cathi! We were fortunate enough to use these pictures because we are an authorized retailer of the bridesmaid dresses that were worn, and because Rebekah Hoyt, the amazing photographer, was kind enough to give us permission! As an online retailer, we help outfit weddings across the country, which is very exciting for us! Thank you for reaching out!

May 16, 2019 07:54

Where did you get the photos for this article? I know this bride’s parents so I am concerned. Especially since you are NOWHERE NEAR WHERE THE BRIDE AND GROOM GOT MARRIED.

May 16, 2019 07:54

25 lies brides tell themselves: http://t.co/Zb4V9uDN2D #weddingplanning

May 16, 2019 07:54

Yep- http://t.co/nmJqj2pXwP http://t.co/VrSMTx7BEK

Meghan W.
May 16, 2019 07:54

Love this! So very true! #25 <3

May 16, 2019 07:54

I love this so much, you hit every issue every bride has!
I will be sharing on my Facebook page!

May 16, 2019 07:54

Thank you, Kelley!

May 16, 2019 07:54

New Blog Post: 25 Lies Brides Tell Themselves While Wedding Planning http://t.co/s45akkWXzs

May 16, 2019 07:54

25 lies brides tell themselves: http://t.co/MbkFx5HGOv #weddingplanning

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