TV Show Friends Episode: The One With All the Wedding Dresses

The TV show Friends is one for the books – classic episodes accomplished through funny scenarios, and of course we cannot forget about the best part of all, the characters in TV show Friends.

The One with all the Friends weddings.

Anyone who knows me knows how much I love the TV show Friends.  I compare everyday life situations to Friends – sad I know, but things happen in that show you never think would happen in real life, but they do.  A co-worker getting married over Labor Day weekend is using white strips and she said she kept them on longer than she was supposed to – UH OH, another mistake by Friends character Ross Gellar; don’t do that or you may want to avoid any black lights!  One of my family members has actually received Christmas gifts purchased from a gas station just like Friends characters Chandler Bing and Joey Tribbiani in one of the earlier seasons. When you are watching them your first few times you don’t realize these things happen, you just laugh and enjoy the show.  Well your next several hundred times through each episode you begin to realize these things do happen to people. Being in the wedding industry now, any little wedding details anywhere pop out at me.  Every night I randomly select a Friends disc to pop in.  Recently, I selected the discs including the Friends episode "The One with All the Wedding Dresses" and Friends episode "The One with the Cheap Wedding Dress."  I am curious to know if there is anybody out there who has experienced either of the situations from these episodes.

The One with all the Wedding Dresses.

In the Friends episode "The One with All the Wedding Dresses," Friends character Monica Gellar has to pick-up a wedding dress belonging to her future sister-in-law, Emily.  Emily lives in London, but her dream bridal gown is in her size in New York City.  Ross, not wanting to see the dress before the wedding, sends his sister Monica to pick it up.  Friends character Phoebe Buffay tags along with to the pick-up appointment.  While they are there, the bridal consultant assumes Monica is Emily, and asks her if she wants to try on the bridal dress.  Monica, never having tried on a bridal gown before, says yes.  Monica stands in the dress until the bridal consultant has to ask her to leave because the store is closing.  Later, Monica is complaining about doing the dishes.  To make her chore a better experience, Monica puts Emily’s wedding dress on while she does the dishes.  Shortly after putting on the dress, she hears a knock at her door.  Friends character Phoebe Buffay is outside, insisting Monica has to open the door immediately.  Monica knows she can trust Phoebe, so she opens the door to find her also wearing a bridal gown! After awhile reluctantly change out of their dresses.  Meanwhile, Friends character Rachel Green is going through a rough time knowing her ex-beau and other Friends character Ross Gellar is getting married.  To cheer her up, Monica and Phoebe recommend some fun…putting on the bridal gownsand watching a movie.  In the Friends pilot episode, Rachel left her fiancé at the altar, and still has her bridal dress.

The One with Ross' Wedding.

Fast forward to the wedding of Friends characters Ross and Emily.  Despite Ross saying the incorrect name during his vows, it was a beautiful wedding put together on a whim in London, England.  Here are some dresses we carry at Wedding Shoppe Inc. that are similar in style to Emily’s wedding dress: What I would really like to know about is the next Friends episode, "The One with the Cheap Wedding Dress."  I have a friend who almost experienced a similar scenario to this.  She tried on dresses here at Wedding Shoppe Inc. (a few months before I started working here), thinking she was going to find her expensive dress here and then go to Macy’s half off sale the following week to actually purchase it.  She did end up finding the bridal dress of her dreams here at Wedding Shoppe Inc. (Mori Lee Bridal Gown 2318) which was way under her budget.  It just goes to show you you don’t need to go to a big sale to find affordable wedding dresses, we have them right here at Wedding Shoppe Inc. Yeah, she's one of the most beautiful brides...I cried more than her parents combined!

The One with the Cheap Wedding Dress.

Back to my point, as soon as she told me her original plan all I pictured was the Friends episode "The One with the Cheap Wedding Dress."  Friends character Monica Gellar found her dream bridal gown for the Monica and Chandler wedding at an expensive store but found out another store in Brooklyn was going to be holding a big discount on all bridal dresses with one of every dress being stocked in each size.  Monica met another bride, Megan, at the original store giving her the tip about the discount. Monica’s wedding dress was going to be at the discount store, but like I mentioned – there would only be one in her size.  She handed out whistles to her pals, Friends characters Phoebe Buffay and Rachel Green, in case they found the dress first.  Rachel, being a spoiled girl who is used to shopping at high end stores, got freaked out by the madness of all the brides and hid in a dress rack blowing her whistle uncontrollably until Phoebe saved her.  Meanwhile, Monica’s wedding dress was spotted by both her and the other bride, Megan.  Both of them claimed it was “their" dress and "they had it first."  Phoebe heard both whistles going off at once, saved Rachel and then went to Monica, only to find her pinning Megan to the ground with one hand and holding her wedding dress in the other hand. Monica quickly learned that Megan had booked the band her fiancé, Chandler Bing, wanted for their wedding on the same day.  Monica gave up her dress for the band Chandler wanted, Swing Kings, and her actual wedding dress ended up even more beautiful on her than the original one.  My favorite part of the Friends episode comes during the end credits, with the characters Chandler, Ross, and Joey (the guys) all “taking care of their facial t-zones." Have any of you dealt with the insanity of many brides fighting over discounted wedding dresses?  Or have any of you been at war with another bride, just like Monica and Megan?  Your wedding comes before anybody else’s, what would you do to make sure you got what you want?  Let's hear some stories!

Monica's dress.

Want a bridal gown similar to the one Monica chose for the Friends episode where they went dress shopping?  Here are a few suggestions that you can find at Wedding Shoppe Inc.: Get similar looks to all the Friends weddings at the Wedding Shoppe.>>

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Molly Watkins
May 16, 2019 06:41

Yep Sarah, I love how I tried on a wedding dress while shopping with my friend for her wedding. I couldn’t help it! I fell in LOVE with the dress and she forced me into it after she had tried it on and decided it wasn’t for her. I didn’t want to take it off and waltzed around the dressing room like I owned it! It was too much fun playing dress up and had she not busted me out saying I wasn’t engaged, I definitly would have tried on more! There’s something to be said about the “White Dress Syndrome”!
Oh, and P.S. I love how you compared all of this to Friends – can’t say I’m surprised! :)

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